Monday, February 25, 2013

Examples -- 25 February 2013

Hello Family! (and friends!)

This has been a good week. We have been a little frustrated, because we are doing everything that we can think of to find new investigators, but we haven't found them yet.  But the Holy Ghost and I have became pretty close this week, and he has kept me from getting discouraged. He will bring a scripture or a quote to my mind. Mainly, I have thought about pages 10 & 121 in Preach My Gospel. God is Greater.

We are working with 2 really great people right now. The first is S. She is hoping to be baptized in March, but she has been really sick, so we have not been able to meet. But we are working hard and she is very committed. This is what she wants, and she knows she has things to do, to do it the right way.

The other is J. He just turned 9. His dad was baptized about a year ago, and J has wanted to be baptized ever since then. The thing that has held him back is his mom. She wanted to make sure he understood what he was doing, and that he wasn't just doing it because all his new friends at church were doing it, too. They sat down and talked the other night, and she has given permission, so we are going ahead full swing, and hope to set a date with him very soon. He is so cute! He got up and bore his testimony yesterday! It was so special for me to see how prepared he has been this last year, meeting with the missionaries, and coming to church on the weekends he is with his dad!

Both of these people make me very grateful for great examples in all of our lives! I know that I have had so many I can't even count! I think the one that stands out to me the most is my younger sister. She has been sick from the time she was in about 2nd grade, and no doctor has yet found out what is wrong with her.

Because of her health she has been in and out of school; missed out on, or too sick to truly enjoy trips with family or friends; sleeps most time, because she has no energy to do anything else; if she has "too much fun" 1 day, she is down for 10; on and on the list goes, but never once have I heard her say: "Why me?" or "It's not fair."  She has only prayed for the strength and courage to get through the day. But she doesn't "just get through" she serves others, she ALWAYS has a beautiful smile on. She is always seeing what else can be done. She does the job with a happy face, and not just a happy face, but a happy heart.

I have the blessing to have her as my sister!!! I could go on and on about the wonderful examples I have in my life! I am so grateful for those that Heavenly Father has given me, to show me how blessed I really am!

I have many new examples I have met in just the last year!

Each and every one of my companions I have learned something from. They have help me grow and be a better person.

Sister W, Sister O, Sister L, Bishop K, Brother F, the L's, the K's, Sister H, Sister H, J, and many, many more!
And of course would I have any gratitude for the amazing examples if I didn't mention President and Sister C?! They have been the best teachers and leaders that I have ever had the privilege of serving with! Not only because of the amazing way they teach, but because of the genuine people that they are! I will be forever grateful to have served 16/18 months with them!

Thank you all, as well for being those examples in my life. I love you all, and am very grateful for you! Now, (challenge time) tell me, who is someone that has been an example to you in your life?

I love you! Have a great week!

Love, Sister Hill

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

One More Adventure! -- 18 February 2013

PS! I almost forgot!

Guess who is coming to our mission at the beginning of March!!!

Elder M Russell Ballard, AND (wait for it!) Bishop Stephenson! We get to have a mission conference for just the missionaries with these two General Authorities!

Have you ever had those moments where you think: "This can't be my life! It's too cool!!!"?

Yeah, that is basically where I am at. At this point I wish I could see and talk to you all on a daily basis, but I wish you were doing this with me, cause normal life is a lot more boring than missionary life! ;p

Anyway, loves again!
Sister Hill

Yay for Projects and Adventures! -- 18 February 2013

I am working on several projects right now.

My first project is myself. I am working on being myself. Unfortunately I fell into a missionary trap of not thinking my ways works, and as a result I was trying all kinds of different styles. That didn't work too well, because I don't know how to do different styles, I only know my style. The greatest (and hardest) thing about each of our styles is that they can change and grow. I am also remembering that while I can do things with my style, I still need to do it the Lord's way. (It's like following a recipe. Once you have made things over and over, you know the recipe by heart, and then you can add your own flare to it, but you still need the basics) So I am adding my own "sass and spunky" (Sister C's words not mine.[Isn't she so great!?]) to how I teach the gospel, and I am using the tools that Heavenly Father has given me.

My second project is finding people to teach. The past couple months, the Sisters in this area have done AMAZING things, and baptized so many people! Unfortunately, that leaves our teaching pool VERY empty. Lots of tracting. Lots of talking to everyone. Lots of enthusiasm (see above project). We have a lot to do, and not a lot of people to do it with yet. The other awesome, yet frustrating thing about the Sisters who were here before is they tracted everywhere!!! They left nowhere untouched, so now when we go somewhere people are like: "Didn't I tell you a month ago, I didn't want to listen to you!" We'll find a way.

Project #3- We are working with 1 woman who has a baptism date.  Unfortunately, she has had walking pneumonia for the past week and a half, so I have only met her once when I first got here. She will get to baptism eventually.

My final project is the one that, Mom, you sent me for General Conference. It is turning out so beautiful, and I have decided that I am going to give it to the Cs for a "Thank-you/Farewell" gift from the mission. So all of my spare time (HA) is spent doing a few stitches here and there. It is actually coming along faster than I thought. So that is good. I am taking pictures as I go (but I can't send any to you because I lost the cord that hooks the camera to the computer. Said sorry).

We have had a few adventures this week as well. Last Saturday night we got a call from the assistants. I answered. Here is the conversation that followed:

"Sister Hill would you and Sister F like to participate in an all sisters musical number at zone conference?"
"Sure! That sounds like fun! What other sisters are there?"

"Warsaw, Peru, you, and will you call Lafayette 3 and ask if they want to do it, too?"

"Sure... What are we singing?"

"You can sing whatever you want. How about when you call Lafayette 3 you figure it out, and we will send you the others sisters' numbers so you can coordinate with them. Just let us know what you choose!"

"Uh... Okay. When is Zone Conference?"



"Yep! Well, have a good night, and just let us know! Thanks Sister Hill!"

So I have learned that 1) Don't ask a boy for details, no matter what kind of leadership position he is in. 2) Just don't ask! You will get roped into being in charge!

It ended up going very nicely. We sang hymn #41 Let Zion In Her Beauty Rise. The rest of the conference was amazing as always. It was weird cause it was at the Peru chapel, and I had just been there the week before, but it wasn't my ward anymore. Strange how fast that happens.

Our other adventure this week is that on Friday we went back to Peru. (Yes again) But this time it was for K's baptism!!! (K is the woman who called us 3 weeks ago!) President C said I could go to the baptism, so we scheduled the time. What we forgot to schedule was that it was rush hour, and the end of the trip would be in the dark. So we were late. When we walked in, she was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Sister P and her new comp, and I was so sad cause I thought we had missed it. Then one of the ward members came up and said, they just did it....5 times. Either her dress popped up, or a knee, or her hair, or something else, so she is changing into a jumpsuit, and they are going to try it again.

So we made it for the actual baptism, and the second half of the program. After, we only had time for me to give her a hug and a little gift, and then we had to book it out the door, cause we were going to be late getting home. Well, now I knew my way home. At least I thought I did. We missed our turn and drove for an extra 30 minutes.  But we couldn't tell cause it was in the dark!!!

We were both so stressed out. It was 9 and we were supposed to be in right then, and we had no clue where we were. Plus! Our gas gauge was on empty, cause we had been so stressed about rush hour that we had COMPLETELY forgotten about filling up. So we were in the middle of nowhere where the towns are so small even the gas station closes. So we called our District leader and our zone leaders to let them know we would be late cause we were lost. We then called Sister W, and she got on Google, and was about to find out where we were, and direct us home. We also got called by the Zone leaders, and they found us on their GPS to get us home.

We pulled into our apartment at 10:25. We were so stressed and exhausted, and mad at ourselves. We didn't like feeling disobedient. I know it was our fault, but the Jerk, (you know the jerk I am talking about.) the jerk kept saying things like: "If you had just..." or "you know, if you had...." and at 10:30 when you are tired and mad it is kinda hard to shut him up.

Anyway, Saturday morning came and we hadn't slept at all, so we called Sister C, and asked if we could have an extra hour to get some real sleep. When we talked again after planning that night, she reminded us that it wasn't our fault, and sometimes things are out of our control, and we need to remember the blessings, that we got home safe, and that life moves on, and things happen, and President C, and more importantly, God, knows that things happen, and it is okay to make mistakes. And that most of the time, these things happen so that we can grow, and be tested in hard times.

Anyway, I love you all, and hope your week has been as fun as mine!

Love always,
Sister Hill

Monday, February 11, 2013

New Transfer. New Place. New Me. -- Monday, 11 February 2013

Ending and starting a transfer is always a shock to the system. It shakes and rattles you. Makes you sad, and stressed (and if  you're me you cry).

But there is also excitement and a new energy. I am feeling re-energized, and full of hope this transfer. I have been sent back to Lafayette, but on the West Side. My companion is Sister F. She is from Haiti, but has lived in the US for the past 8 years. She makes me laugh a lot! This is going to be a great transfer!

So, did you know: EVERY. Sister in the Indiana, Indianapolis Mission is training right now? Except Sister F and I. (How we did that I don't know.) We got 9 new sisters in the mission this week. We had 18 before, now we have 26!!! THE CHURCH IS TRUE!!!!!The Gospel will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent!! (I really should have chosen that to go on my plaque!) AHH! So exciting!

I had a realization last week. This Wednesday, I have been a missionary for an entire year. !!!!!!!!!!

I know what you are thinking! "Nu-uh! I was just at her setting apart a couple months ago!" Yep. You're right. About 12 to be exact. Set apart the day before Valentines Day....  Weird.

Anyway, I realized all of this, and I have new determination to do things 110%. Now don't start thinking I have been a slacker, cause I haven't, but I realized how fast the next 5 transfers are going to go. (AHHH!!! I can count on one hand how many transfers I have.) Especially since this transfer is only 5 weeks, and we are already at the start of week 2!

So my new address is:
2330 Northwestern Ave Apt #3
West Lafayette, IN. 47906

Anyway, life is good here in Indiana! I love everything about missionary work! The church is true! I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and support! They have lifted me up immensely!

Love Always!
Sister Hill

Monday, February 4, 2013

They're Ba-ack! -- Monday, 4 February 2013

Transfer time!!!

A missionary's favorite thing!!! I am leaving Peru. Also (this time) I know where I am being sent. But you can't tell any other missionary in this mission! President C called on WEDNESDAY to tell us what was going on. (It's really RUDE of him to call ahead of time, just sayin'!) He said he called because he "needs help." Sister P is staying and training. He told her that he knows that she needs time to process this kind of stuff. And for me? I am headed back to Lafayette (different ward) with a Sister who President says needs the "best of the best." I am not joking, that is what he said! Now I am not sure who he is talking about, but I guess he and the Lord know what they are doing... We are both stressing. :)  :)  What would we do without stress, huh?

In other news, we are still teaching the A family. They are doing well, and are still excited for baptism! K is doing great! Her husband is so supportive of her and the choices she wants to make.  He is buying her a quad for their anniversary, and a CTR ring for her baptism! How sweet, right?

I still love Indiana! The gospel is true! I can't believe I have been a missionary for nearly 1 year! I love you all VERY much! Be all the Be's! Don't cwash da caw! DON'T SAY BAD WADS!! (Landon!) Stand for truth and righteousness! Remember who you are! Return with Honor!

Love always!
Sister Hill